
Five Keys to Helping Law Firm Partners Embrace Retirement

Elizabeth Zelinka Parsons

Strategies for tackling the thorny issue of partner retirement.

Read More: Five Keys to Helping Law Firm Partners Embrace Retirement

Finding Quality Candidates

by Michael Lord

Today there’s a more demanding generation of potential candidates. Listen to the podcast to find out more.

Read More: Finding Quality Candidates

Interview Arrival Time: The Early Bird Doesn’t Get Burned

by Jon Lewis

When should arrive for you job interview? Think about what could possibly go wrong.

Read More: Interview Arrival Time: The Early Bird Doesn’t Get Burned

Hiring a Senior Attorney

by Michael Lord

One of the most underrated tactics in lateral recruitment is hiring senior level attorneys who have 10-30 years of experience, but very little or no business.

Read More: Hiring a Senior Attorney

Times Are Tough: Should You Invest in LinkedIn This Year or Retrench?

by Bruce K. Segall

To start off 2023, guest author Bruce Segall writes about LinkedIn and the various opportunities (and costs) for lawyers to build their brand.

Read More: Times Are Tough: Should You Invest in LinkedIn This Year or Retrench?

Hiring For Resilience

by Jon Lewis

The ability to handle and bounce back quickly from adversity is an often under-appreciated, but significant, characteristic to seek in potential new hires. How can a candidate’s resilience be assessed?

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Get Out of a Rut! Five Practices to Start and Stop on LinkedIn for the Rest of 2022

by Bruce K. Segall

LinkedIn continues to play a pivotal role in attorney hiring. Guest writer and marketing guru Bruce Segall provides insights on best practice dos and don’ts relating to this important tool.

Read More: Get Out of a Rut! Five Practices to Start and Stop on LinkedIn for the Rest of 2022

Candidate Relationships With Recruiters—Exclude Exclusivity

by Jon Lewis

I’m a recruiter, but I recommend that candidates AVOID exclusive arrangements with recruiters. Here’s why:

Read More: Candidate Relationships With Recruiters—Exclude Exclusivity

Resume Writing: The Art of Standing Out & Being Seen

Trista Neubauer, hellopossible!

Resume writing is about being authentic, getting specific, and describing your unique value. Here are some tips to guide you.

Read More: Resume Writing: The Art of Standing Out & Being Seen

Feeling Awkward About BizDev During COVID-19? Three Ideas.

Sheryl Odentz, Progress in Work LLC

As a law partner, since you can’t meet people face-to-face due to COVID-19, developing business is more challenging than ever. Here are three ideas from Sheryl Odentz to help you reframe your efforts.

Read More: Feeling Awkward About BizDev During COVID-19? Three Ideas.

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